


1Deng, JizhongDiSNPindel: improved intra-individual SNP and InDel detection in direct amplicon sequencing of a diploidBMC BIOINFORMATICSSCI2.435
2Yang, ZhouTransversal Vibration of Chain Ropeway System Having Support Boundary Conditions with Polygonal ActionSHOCK AND VIBRATIONSCI0.88
3Zhang,YaliAir-blast anti-fouling cleaning for aquatic optical sensorsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERINGSCI1.007
4Wang, YuMeshfree Method for the Topological Design of Microstructural CompositesCMES: COMPUER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCESSCI0.841
5Chen, Yu(1); Zhang, Tiemin(2); Sun, Daozong(3); Peng, Xiaodong(4); Liao, Yiyong(5)Design and experiment of locating system for facilities agricultural vehicle based on wireless sensor networkTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,EI 
7Li Kai1(1); Gu Song(1,2); Yang Yanli(3);Chu Qi1(1); Zhang Qing(1); Peng Yuping(1); Feng Jie(1)Design and experiment on vacuum pickup hand for banding tissue culture seedlings.Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
8胡炼; 林潮兴; 罗锡文; 杨伟伟; 许奕; 周浩; 张智刚;农机具自动调平控制系统设计与试验 (Design and experiment on auto leveling control system of agricultural implements)农业工程学报Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
9Li,JiyuDistribution of canopy wind field produced by rotor unmanned aerial vehicle pollination operationTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
10Lu, HuazhongEffects of Various Fresh-keeping Techniques on the Quality of Litchichinensis Sonn. during StorageModern Food Science and TechnologyEI 
11向阳; 罗锡文; 曾山; 臧英; 杨文武;基于可视化编程的往复式切割器工作特性分析(Operation performance analysis of reciprocating cutter based on visual
农业工程学报( Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
12罗锡文; 单鹏辉; 张智刚; 张继勋; 刘兆朋; 张亚娇;基于推杆电动机的拖拉机液压悬挂控制系统Electrohydraulic hitch control system for tractor based on linear actuator农业机械学报Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
13吴维雄; 罗锡文; 杨文钰; 彭淑卉;小麦-玉米-大豆带状复合种植机械化研究进展Review on mechanization of strip compound planting system of Wheat-Maize-Soybean农业工程学报Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
14徐赛、陆华忠、周志艳、吕恩利、杨径Electronic nose monitoring mature stage of litchi in orchardTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
15徐赛、陆华忠、周志艳、吕恩利、姜焰鸣Identification for Guava Methanical Damage Based on Combined Hyper-spectrometer and Electronic NoseTransactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
16徐赛、陆华忠、周志艳、吕恩利、杨径Identification of Litchi's Maturing Stage in Orchard Based on Physicochemical Indexes and Electronic NoseTransactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
17郭嘉明、方思贞、曾志雄、陆华忠、吕恩利Numerical simulation and experimental verification on humidity field for pipeline humidifying deviceTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
18杨松夏、吕恩利、陆华忠、吕盛坪、刘杰坤Prediction Model of O2 Volume Fraction in Controlled Atmosphere Compartments by Liquid Nitrogen Injection during Door-openingTransactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
19马瑞峻、樊元君、黄倩、黄木水、张亚莉2自由度夹子式水稻穴盘拔抛机械手设计与试验Design and experiment of 2-DOF clamp-type manipulator for transplanting of rice potted-seedlings农业机械学报EI 
27陈雄飞; 罗锡文; 王在满; 张明华; 胡炼; 杨文武; 曾山; 臧英; 韦后定; 郑乐两级螺旋排肥装置的设计与试验 (Design and experiment of fertilizer distribution apparatus with
double-level screws)
农业工程学报( Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
28王在满; 罗锡文; 陈雄飞; 莫钊文;Wang, Zaiman1, 2 ; Luo, Xiwen1, 2 Email author xwluo@scau.edu.cn; Chen, Xiongfei1, 2; Mo, Zhaowen3水稻机械化穴播技术对稻米品质的影响Effects of precision rice hill-drop drilling on rice quality农业工程学报Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
29Xu, Fengying; Chen, Zhen; Li, Changyou; Huang, Mushui Effect of drying methods on quality and glass transition temperature of riceNongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
30Yang Zhou, Niu Mengmeng, Li Jun, Xu Xing, Xu Jitong, Chen ZhaochunDesign and experiment of an electrostatic sprayer with on-line mixing system for orchardTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
31Yang Zhou, Niu Mengmeng, Li Jun, Xu Xing, Sun Zhiquan, Xue KunpengInfluence of lateral wind and electrostatic voltage on spray drift of electrostatic sprayerTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
32Yang Zhou, Li Wei, Li Jun, et al.Longitudinal stability control of orchard cable-driven hanging transport systemTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
33邢赫,臧英(通讯作者),王在满,罗锡文,张国忠,曹晓曼,谷秀艳水稻气力式排种器充种分层充种室设计与试验(Design and experiment of stratified seed-filling room on rice pneumatic
metering device)
农业工程学报( Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
34臧英,邢赫,王在满,罗锡文,曹晓曼,王宝龙水稻气力式排种器挡板装置的设计与试验(Design and Experiment of shield Device on Rice Pneumatic Metering Device)农业机械学报(Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery)EI 
35邢 赫,臧 英(通讯作者),曹晓曼,王在满,罗锡文,曾 山,黄 淼1水稻气力式排种器投种轨迹试验与分析(Experiment and analysis of dropping trajectory on rice pneumatic metering device)农业工程学报( Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
36廖娟; 臧英(通讯作者); 周志艳; 罗锡文(Liao Juan, Zang Ying※, Zhou Zhiyan, Luo Xiwen1)作物航空喷施作业质量评价及参数优选方法(Quality evaluation method and optimization of operating parameters in
crop aerial spraying technology)
农业工程学报( Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
37Zhang, Jiantao(1); Li, Shenghua(2); Wen, Sheng(3); Lan, Yubin(4); Liao, Yiyong(5); Zhang, Tiemin(6)Parameter optimization design and experiment of agricultural ultrasonic atomization transducerTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,EI 
38Zhang, Tiemin(1); Li, Huihui(2); Chen, Dawei(3); Huang, Penghuan(4); Zhuang, Xiaolin(5)Agricultural vehicle path tracking navigation system based on information fusion of multi-source sensorTransactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
39Zhuang, Xiaolin(1); Zhang, Tiemin(2)Design and experiment of obstacle avoidance of binocular vision recognition systemTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,EI 
40Long, Taoyuan(1); Zhang, Tiemin(2); Liao, Yiyong(3)Design of driving circuit for macro-micro motion integration piezoelectric linear motorProceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,EI 
41Zhang, Tiemin(1); Zhuang, Xiaolin(2)  Identification and navigation system of farmland path for high-clearance vehicle based on DM642Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,EI 
42Zhang, Kun(1); Zhang, Tiemin(2); Liao, Yiyong(3); Zhuang, Xiaolin(4); Li, Shenghua(5); Lan, Yubin(6)Remote control unmanned aerial vehicle test system based on LabviewTransactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,EI 
43Zhao,ZuoxiApplied Research on John Deere AutoTrac Automatic Navigation's Versatility农业机械学报Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
44Zhao,ZuoxiDynamic modeling of leveling system of paddy field laser leveler农业工程学报/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
45Zhao,ZuoxiNavigation control parameter tuning method based on AutoTrac农业工程学报/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
46Zhao,ZuoxiNumerical Solution of Kinematics Model for Leveling System of Paddy Field Leveler Based on Matlab农业机械学报Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
47Zhao,ZuoxiVerification experiment on dynamic modeling of leveling systemof paddy field laser leveler农业工程学报/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
48周志艳; 闫梦璐; 陈盛德; 兰玉彬; 罗锡文;Harris角点自适应检测的水稻低空遥感图像配准与拼接算法 (Image registration and stitching algorithm of rice low-altitude remote sensing based on Harris corner self-adaptive detection )农业工程学报/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
49Luo Lufeng, Zou Xiangjun, Xiong Juntao,Zhang Yu, Peng Hongxing, Lin GuichaoAutomatic positioning for picking point of grape picking robot in natural
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
50Ye Min, Zou Xiangjun, Yang Zhou, Liu Nian, Chen Weiwen, Luo LufengClamping Experiment on Humanoid Fingers of Litchi Harvesting Robot
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
51Lin Guichao, Zou Xiangjun, Luo Lufeng, Mo YudaDetection of winding orchard path through improving random sample consensus
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural EngineeringEI 
52Luo Lufeng, Zou Xiangjun, Yang Zhou, Li Guoqin, Song Xiping, ZhangcongGrape Image Fast Segmentation Based on Improved
Artificial Bee Colony and Fuzzy Clustering
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryEI 
53李博,陈燕,邹湘军,刘念,蒋志林高斯牛顿法图像配准的工件精确识别/Accurate recognition of work-pieces based on Gauss-Newton image registration光学精密工程/Optics and Precision EngineeringEI 
54蒋志林,陈燕,谈建豪,李博,邹湘军荔枝应力松弛特性及其损伤的试验研究/Experimental Study on Stress Relaxation Characteristics and Associated
Damage of Litchi
现代食品科技/Modern Food Science and TechnologyEI 



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